PECE Site Administration
How do I add a logo and change site colors?
Go to “Administration » Appearance » Settings » PECE Scholarly Lite. Under the heading, Logo image settings, uncheck the box to use the default logo. Choose a file to upload as the logo. To change site colors, scroll down on this page to the heading “MtT Settings.” Click the “Look’n’Feel” link. Check the box to use a Custom Color Scheme. Select a Primary color (header and icons), Secondary color (links), and Tertiary color (color to appear on hover in main navigation). Click “Save Configuration.”
How do I approve user memberships?
While logged-in as an administrator, navigate to /admin/people. Select ‘edit’ next to the user you wish to approve. Change the user status to ‘Active’ and select the appropriate User Roles. Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the page.
How do I add front page image sliders?
While logged-in as an administrator, navigate to ‘Dashboard’. Under the ‘Add Content’ heading, select front page slider. Fill in the relevant fields and Save. Note that all images will be scaled and cropped to 960x460 pixels.
How do I add About text?
While logged-in as an administrator, navigate to [SITE URL]/node/add/pece-about-page. Enter a title (which won't appear on the page), and in the body, enter the site's about text. Click Publish. This will appear when users click on the About link in the main navigation, and a snippet of the text will appear on the front page below the image sliders.
How do I set the Featured Essay?
While logged-in as an administrator, navigate to the home page. Scroll down to the "Featured Essay" block, and click "Edit Featured Essay." Select a Featured Essay, in the Featured Essay field, and then click "Save."
How do I filter content and update slideshow images?
While logged-n as an administrator, navigate to the content page. You can filter the content by selecting an option in the "type" drop-down and clicking apply. To change the file of a given slideshow image, click on the file of interest. Then, click edit and remove the old image. You can now choose the file you want to upload from your computer as your new slideshow image. Click upload once you are done. Lastly, save the changes.
How do I translate PECE admin interface and specific sentences or words into a different language?
How do I download a language pack and setup website default language?
While logged-in as an administrator, navigate to [SITE URL]/admin/config/regional/language/add. Select the preferred language on ´Language Name´ select box. Click ´Add language´ and wait the new Language to be downloaded (it might take a while). On Languages page [SITE URL]/admin/config/regional/language/, update website default language by selecting the corresponding radio button on ´Default´ column. Click Save Configuration.
How do I translate a missing sentence or word of a language pack?
While logged-in as an administrator, navigate to [SITE URL]/admin/config/regional/translate/translate. Enter the word to be translated on ´String contains´ text input and click ´filter´. Find the correct sentence to be translated on the result list and click ´edit´. Enter the translated word/sentence on the text box under the language name and click ´Save translations´.
Zotero Integration
Zotero ( is an excellent and long-standing free and open-source scholarly tool; the PECE Design Group and many PECE users continue to use it as academics on a daily basis for reference management. When first designing PECE, we wanted to fully integrate Zotero into PECE, but at that time there was only a broken Drupal module connecting Zotero to Drupal’s Biblio module. We contracted to develop a fix that imports Zotero libraries and updates into PECE via the Biblio module. Even though we limited Zotero’s functionalities in several ways (most importantly, not to import PDFs stored in Zotero, creating artifacts that might be subject to copyright restrictions) the import feature has worked well enough. However, the Zotero integration with PECE has encountered several challenges as we have continued to use it within PECE, most notably the multiplication of copies of each reference, a bug we have been unable to locate and fix. Significant development work is required to more satisfactorily integrate Zotero with PECE, and so for the time being we are not providing support for the integration. We will be revisiting this issue after we successfully deploy the Drupal 9 update in Spring 2022. In the meantime, adopters of PECE may want to turn off the Zotero feed if it is on, or simply do not connect PECE to any Zotero libraries you might use in your research.